Tuesday, 21 January 2014

BioShock Infinite

Category: Shooter
Developer: Irrational Games|2K Games
Size: 14 Mb

Torrent Size: 14 mb
Files: 2
Info Hash: 406be5d7bdf47ebe0bd179182b3cf580c4dd2923
Seeds 101 SeedsPeers 77 Peers

Good: 23Bad: 2
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City in the sky - Leave a depth of Rapture soars above the clouds Colombia. Technology?? When you wonder, floating city is very beautiful and?? Vibrant world that has a very dark secret. Probably Mission - Set in 1912, a former Pinkerton agent Booker DeWitt has re?? Go mysterious girl from the sky city of Colombia, or you will not leave?? Iv. Knut, Zip, and murder - Turn Cities Sky-Lines as a weapon??'s Roller coaster when you zip through the floating city and dish out practical fatal punishment. Tear over time - Open tears in space and time of the occurrence afraid of?? CU and turn the tide of battle, pulling arms??'s Towers and other sources from the air. Dr. energetic?? State - Throw explosive fireballs, throwing lightning and the release of the murder of crows like a strong Vigors devastating wave through the body take place in relation to all that against you. Equipped combat experience?? Her - with a deadly weapon?? Was in one hand, a strong Vigors to another, as well as an opportunity?? Ness to the opening of Tears in time and space, fight your way through the floating city of Columbia for re? DIGIT Elizabeth and achieve freedom. 1999 Mode - Open your Tear and 1999, to test the model and balance?? Was that hardcore gamers u?? Animal?? 20 s century.

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