Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Neverwinter Nights Diamond ravshane

Category: Role-Playing
Developer: Bioware|Atari
Size: 2410 Mb

Torrent Size: 2410 mb
Files: 5
Info Hash: ab9affe7864d382a44204639906a1140b9472c17
Seeds 139 SeedsPeers 77 Peers

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For one low price, enjoy everything on offer, the original game and all of the features added in the Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark expansion packs, with Neverwinter Nights kingmaker expansion, which has three complete BioWare designed adventures together! Finally, your collection is complete RPG. This is the entire Neverwinter Nights catalog includes more than 100 hours of solo gameplay and limitless online campaigns. Neverwinter Nights Diamond include: The award-winning Neverwinter Nights Two expansion packs hit, Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark Game modules from the developers of Neverwinter Nights BioWares Aurora toolset, for easy mod and game creation for Neverwinter Nights kingmaker expansion, including three complete BioWare designed adventures: kingmaker, His shadow Witchs Guard and received popularity All patches and updates