Saturday, 1 February 2014

FINAL FANTASY XI Seekers of Adoulin Free Download

Category: Role-Playing
Developer: Square Enix|Square Enix
Size: 2410 Mb

Torrent Size: 2410 mb
Files: 5
Info Hash: db82738386eaf0a636595a397e94ffefeb81ac8e
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Ulbuka? - Country uncharted wilderness - welcomes anyone who dares to reveal its hidden secrets. Uncharted land undiscovered treasures and untold dangers await those who are brave enough to venture into the wilderness, whether with swords and return to the old, original Geomancers tonne or mysterious art of rune fencers defined. Seekers Adoulin is the fifth installment of the popular online role-playing series Final Fantasy XI. With this latest expansion, players can now extend their trip with never-before-seen monsters, heroes, jobs, and uncharted territory, ready to be taken. Returns from land Ulbuka? Back to civilization to earn new benefits and unlock new content. Explore poisonous swamps and dark caves and fight monsters seen with new Rune fencer and Geomancer jobs. 2 new jobs to master relieve natural disasters Vanadiel with Geomancer - tap into natural energy and your position to help his friends, and attack their enemies with unique projects elemental attacks. Take advantage of the power of Arcane Runes from Rune Fencer - Duel enemies and protect their allies with sword and spells empowered with mysterious runes that increase your magic defense and elemental resistance. 15 new areas for research The new system for reclamation unlock new content and resources as you explore and claim land in Ulbuka Stake a claim and cultivate and harvest their resources on their personal piece of land

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