Monday, 27 January 2014

Bionic Commando Free Download

Category: Action, Adventure
Developer: Capcom|Capcom
Size: 811 Mb

Torrent Size: 811 mb
Files: 3
Info Hash: 99089fc9437fd94831f3c7c02079d28b70b98e9b
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On the very day of Spencer's execution, terrorists detonate a weapon of experiments in Ascension City, unleashing an intense earthquake that has turned the city into rubble and wiped out its population. With the terrain in ruins and the city's air defense grid now in the control of the terrorist force whose goal remains unclear, the FSA have only one option left - behind the attack line. Tasks suitable for Bionic Commando. Bionic Commando transposes the swing-and game-shoots of the original 8-bit with stunning 3D environments with tall buildings, suspended roadways and monorails, deep canyons and sheer rock faces, where every environment ä, r-scale use of oscillating , scaling, climbing and wall-walking techniques. The game features: Use the bionic arm to swing between towering skyscrapers at breathtaking speed, connect to distant objects, zip on hanging girders and choose your own path by Game Explore everywhere - on land, in air, or swinging from the top of 50-story skyscrapers - in a game that redefines 3D action Gameplay that moves through horizontal and vertical environments - a 3D game that truly uses all three dimensions Using the power of the bionic arm - and of next generation physics - to realistically throw massive objects, hitting opponents, whip enemies into the air, or pull the landscape apart Arm yourself with a variety of weapons worthy of Bionic Commando Starring Mike Patton, the former lead singer of Faith No More, as the voice of Nathan Spencer Published by Capcom, the creators of Resident Evil and Street Fighter series and the next generation hits Lost Planet and Dead Rising Developed by Swedish studio smiling, developer of the highly acclaimed Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter series for PC

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