Thursday, 20 February 2014

XCOM Enemy Within 64/32 Bit Free Download

Category: Strategy
Developer: Firaxis Games|2K Games
Size: 12 Mb

Torrent Size: 12 mb
Files: 2
Info Hash: 910095a3da2caa7481f06de570c732dc75bede06
Seeds 134 SeedsPeers 53 Peers

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Features: New Capabilities Soldier: Investigate new alien technology to accelerate your skill workers: Gene Mods: Trace Genetics Laboratory physically strengthen their skill players, including the expansion of the chest, the brain, eyes, skin and limbs. MECS: Build Cyber ​​Lab will allow the construction of a new mechanized exoskeleton Cybersuit or MEC. The new Trooper class MEC specializes capacity and each can be upgraded with new weapons including flamethrowers and grenade launchers. New weapons and equipment: Give workers extra tactical advantage with his new project development team and cast. New enemy threats: Adopt new tactics against hrozbámz two new non-native species and the deadly new organization known as praise. New strategic resource: a new and valuable foreign source, known as fusion, was discovered. Ensure the battlefield and used carefully to base to unlock new areas of research and improvements. New challenges and tactical maps: operations swashbuckling intelligence and provide new tactical to more than 40 new battlegrounds. New multiplayer maps, units and abilities: Create your own team for a wider range of options and dominate your opponent in an intense one-on-one, turn-based games.

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